Pink Chair Photography: Blog en-us (C)2024 PINK CHAIR PHOTOGRAPHY LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (Pink Chair Photography) Mon, 20 Nov 2023 04:23:00 GMT Mon, 20 Nov 2023 04:23:00 GMT Pink Chair Photography: Blog 96 120 Fall's daughter

Studio Fine Art Portrait work by CHARLESTON photographer Amy Gerhardt if Pink Chair Photography.

(Pink Chair Photography) charleston studio photography Fri, 30 Sep 2022 23:56:41 GMT
Old meets new

Digital composite art is one of my favorite things to do at the studio. Old master paintings makes stunning digital backdrops for modern photography subjects. I'm best known for my digital Santa portraits every holiday season but it's something that I offer year-round. Do you have a favorite old master painting? It's possible that it's an open source image which can be used to create new art for you.

(Pink Chair Photography) charleston painting portrait Sun, 09 Jan 2022 14:47:37 GMT
Charleston Bride to be

Nothing says "Charleston Bride" like a kiss in front of the American Theater, downtown....

(Pink Chair Photography) Fri, 07 Jan 2022 14:47:15 GMT
47 years together


They met in high school and fell in love.

The proposal was unexpected but he knew the moment he laid his eyes on her that she was and always would be THE ONE. This is what 47 years of love looks like. May we all be as blessed....


(Pink Chair Photography) anniversary charleston family love photographer photography portraits young Sat, 03 Jul 2021 00:18:50 GMT
Father's Day

Happy father's Day, to all the Dads. From all of us kids everywhere- thanks for being the best dad ever.

(Pink Chair Photography) charleston photographer family pictures portraits father's day Thu, 17 Jun 2021 18:09:25 GMT
Mommy & Me

When, after your pregnancy is over and you have your child the days seem long... but the years are short. Press the pause button on these swiftly passing moments and let's create a cherished memory of you and your little one. One second they are so tiny you can carry them with one arm and the next moment they are graduating from highschool. Trust me, it really happens that quickly. But can stop time. Invest in your legacy. One day in a future that's closer than you think, you will want to remember.

(Pink Chair Photography) mommy and me portraits Wed, 16 Jun 2021 01:59:08 GMT
Formal Portraiture in a world of mini sessions.

Heirloom Art never needs updating. Candid photo sessions certainly have their place- every year families go through changes and those things should be documented. Time is fleeting, children grow...but once in a while you should invest in a work of art that can be handed down through generations. An artistic celebration of the people you hold most dear. A gift for the ones who are yet to come. Consider that when it's time to update the images you cherish in your home.

(Pink Chair Photography) formal portraits heirloom art charleston studio portraits Sat, 22 May 2021 23:39:30 GMT
Maternity Milk Bath Sessions Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life. Her body and emotions go through so many changes. Many women love to have traditional maternity photos done with their family or of just themselves to celebrate this special occasion. One popular way to beautifully preserve this time is through a milk bath photography session.


A milk bath session is just that. You get to sit back and relax in a warm milky bath, most of the time surrounded by flowers and greenery while your photographer captures you in various bump enhancing positions as you recline in the tub. It's often so comfortable and relaxing that many mothers speak of very nearly falling asleep.


Milk bath sessions can be quite varied. Things like changing the flowers that are floating on the water's surface or alternating different colored fabrics and water-friendly gowns can result in some of the most beautiful images you will ever create. The water can be anywhere from a translucent filmy haze of white to completely opaque. It depends on how much milk is added to the water. Preparation for a milk bath session is the same as most any photoshoot of an intimate nature. You should take care to remove any unwanted hair and exfoliate your skin so that your healthy pregnant glow shows well in your images.

Wearing skin toned undergarments such as a strapless well-supporting bra and underwear is important since many times they will show through fabric once it is wet. And don't forget to bring a dry change of under clothes.  Hair and makeup that is professionally done can be beneficial although some or all of your hair may get wet. It's not unheard of to completely submerge your head in a tub that is large enough to allow you to do that. It's important to book your session with a photographer who can mimic natural light in the absence of a window near the tub or during a time of day where the ambient light is not cooperating. When I do a maternity milk bath session I generally expect to host the expectant mother in my home studio for about 2 hours. The reason I take that length of time is because I provide a large bouquet of highly varied flowers and greenery and multiple fabrics and dresses, each of which are changed frequently throughout our time together.

Those changes tend to lengthen the session time. Some photographers will arrange the flowers all at once and keep the same gown or fabric throughout which can be quite beautiful but I like variety. In post-processing I like to remove tub fixtures so that they are no longer present in the final edits of each image. Since milk bath sessions are done in a reclining position it's important to choose a time in your pregnancy where your bump is most prominent. Anywhere between 32 and 35 weeks is what I recommend. Milk bath sessions are perfect for mothers who might have a high risk pregnancy and cannot walk far distances as they might during a regular photo shoot out of doors. It's also great for when the weather isn't nice as in very cold winters or sweltering summer heat. Some of my favorite maternity images have been of milk bath sessions. If you are planning a photo shoot for your pregnancy, consider the milk bath.

Whatever you do, Book your shoot and make your arrangements soon. I can't tell you how many times people have waited too late to plan for their maternity pictures and ended up delivering their child without ever having been able to preserve those precious memories.

(Pink Chair Photography) maternity milk bath pregnancy Photography Fri, 09 Apr 2021 17:48:21 GMT
Say goodbye to boring corporate headshots

Business style corporate headshots have their place in the world but what if you want something with a little pizzazz? I like to call these magazine style headshots, the kind that make you look like you belong on the cover of a fashion magazine.

(Pink Chair Photography) beauty photography business headshot corporate headshot headshot Thu, 04 Mar 2021 12:51:07 GMT
Not your mamma's family portrait

When I take a family on a photo walk I like to have a little fun and create a not-so-typical family portrait that will be fun to look back on.

(Pink Chair Photography) downtown charleston family portrait charleston family photographer Thu, 04 Mar 2021 12:48:08 GMT
The Studio Lingerie

Elegance for all women

(Pink Chair Photography) glamour vogue studio lingerie fine art portraits Sun, 21 Feb 2021 12:55:28 GMT
What ever happened to the painting?

Fine Art Portraits are worth the investment. They are the modern day alternative to Rembrandt and something you should do for generations that have yet to know you.

(Pink Chair Photography) framed portraiture painted portraits fine art photography Tue, 18 Aug 2020 12:41:28 GMT